DagitabLog™: Nintendo Announces DSi Gaming Console
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Nintendo Announces DSi Gaming Console

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Japanese gaming giant Nintendo has unveiled its newest portable video gaming console, the DSi, equipped with a larger 3.24-inch LCD screen and a slimmer look compared to its predecessor. The DSi can now be used to take photos with its two 0.3-Megapixel cameras. It is also features an SD card slot where gamers can plug and play their favorite music.

The full specs of DSi includes:
  • 12%, 2.6 millimeter lighter
  • 17% bigger LCD screens (3.24inches)
  • Two 0.3-Megapixel cameras
  • Dual touch screen
  • Has one SD card slot
  • Internal memory built-in for applications
  • Better speakers
  • Images can be edited by touch screen
  • Can adjust pitch and music playback
  • No more GBA slot
  • Contains bundled browser (Opera)

Here is a video of it in action!

The release of a newer version of DS is seen as a response to the threat posed by Apple on its iPhone and iPod gadgets. The DSi will be available in Japan by November 11, 2008 at the price tag of YEN18,900 ($179.00).

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