The Coolest Image Search Tool
Today, I am going to share with you an interesting web tool which searches Flickr images in terms of visual similarity. The most common way we know how to search an image is using a keyword like how Google Image Search works. But there is another brilliant way of doing it. Idée's Multicolr Search Lab, has created a visual search method using visual attributes such as color, shape and texture. It sounds too geeky but this is so far the coolest and most grandeur image search tool that I have ever seen. It's an amazing application with amazing results!
So how does this Multicolr works?
By choosing up to ten colors, Multicolr will extract those colors from about 10 million most interesting Creative Commons images on Flickr. Using Idée's visual search technology, Multicolr will give you the images of your chosen colors.
Here is a screenshot of how to do an image search.
On the upper right of the screen, you can choose the color you want to search for. I chose the shades of red and green. The images will automatically update and show interesting images of red and green. Oh my, the results were a bunch of flowers as what I guessed. You can also click on individual images to see a bigger view of it.
You can add more colors to search for and see how magnificent the results will be. Click here to try it out.
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