Cartoonize Your Photos at Befunky
If you're a fan of funky-looking cartoons and comics, then I'm sure you will love this site. BeFunky lets you have fun with your photos by letting you cartoonize them. It has several applications which allows you to instantly and effortlessly turn photos of yourself into a cartoon you've always dreamed of being.
Here's the site's blurb about the Cartoonizer App:Upload your image and start using the cartoonizer tool to warp, sketch and color your cartoon. Add all kinds of frames, graphics and shapes to your design and then share it on your favorite social networks including FaceBook, Myspace, Hi5, Friendster and Bebo. No special art school education or graphic design skills are needed.
The service is completely free and you don't have to download any software for it.
They are also planning to release a "Video Cartoonizer" soon. If you've seen Scanner Darkly, your cartoonized videos will look something like that. Here is an example:
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Friday, January 02, 2009 | 1Comments
Google Updated Page Ranks - DagitabLog Got PR3!
The last update of the nominal Google PageRank happened about 3 months ago in September 2008. Also at that time, I just started DagitabLog. It has been a long wait before I saw my blog having a PageRank.
Since this is my first time of getting a PageRank, I'm really excited of the changes that will happen over the next weeks or months. Or will there be any change at all? Hopefully, yes!
How about you? Any movement on your PageRank? You are more than welcome to share.
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Thursday, January 01, 2009 | 1Comments